Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Website Design Tips Nigeria: How to Use Mini Sites to Generate a Monthly Income

In Nigeria, mini sites are often called websites but what 90% of all information marketers use to make money online is really called a minisite. And so I thought it wise to reveal to you some differences between a mini site and a website, what mini sites are and how you can use them to make a monthly income online in Nigeria.

So what are Mini sites?

Mini sites are mini websites or small websites that contain between 1-5 pages only. The Mini Site Cash Machine is a very good example of a mini site, while Jumia.com is a typical example of a full fledged website.

A mini-site is focused on one mission and one goal only – which is to get the visitor to take action now and this is why they are SO important if you want to make money online quickly especially with ebooks. The main purpose of mini sites is to make money and you achieve that through one-goal webpages. A single page of a mini site is called a webpage.

Examples of such One-Goal mini sites include: 

1. Squeeze page or Optin page: It’s purpose is to get visitors to subscribe for a free report by filling a form on the webpage

2. Thank you page: It’s purpose is give instructions to people who filled your optin page to confirm their email or subscription. This page is optional because some autoresponders automatically have a thank you page but if you want a customized thank you page with your words and design, then you can design your own thank you page.

3. Download page: It’s purpose is to get people who subscribed to your free report to access the download of such reports

4. Sales page: It’s purpose is get visitors to buy your product or service

5. Contact page: This webpage is also optional because it’s purpose is offer information to visitors n how to contact you, but you may omit it and put your contact details on either your sales page or squeeze page.

And so it’s SO important that anyone who wants to make money online or using the internet must learn how to design simple websites, also called mini sites.

If you can design a mini site yourself, then it means you have a vital skill required to make money online and if you don’t already know how to do so, you can learn how to create your own cash-sucking mini sites within 45 minutes using the Step-by-Step Mini Site Design Cash Machine VIDEO Tutorials.

So many people who want to make money online have crappy and bad-looking minisites with pictures not properly showing or badly placed towards the left handside instead of the middle, to words and fonts too small or too big etc.

If you ask me and millions of other Nigerians, seeing a badly done website will NOT persuade me to take action on the page. If it’s an optin page, I could optin because I’m curious and this is why many people can have a list of over 500 subscribers but make only one sale – How frustrating!

While if I see such crappy looking mini sites as salespage, I definitely will NOT buy because it simply tells me that the owner does not know what he or she is doing and the product therefore is not worth it.
Can you now see why you absolutely must know how to design a website?

The main purpose of mini sites is to make money, so make sure you achieve your mini site goals and you can do that easily in just 45 minutes using the the Step-by-Step Mini Site Design Cash Machine VIDEO Tutorials.

Thanks for reading.

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